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The BSA Pacific approach

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Growing a network of professional and culturally sustainable businesses.

BSA Pacific improves regional and remote people's access to small business mentoring and business services.

To achieve this BSA Pacific’s Director Charles Street is seeking to share his years of collective knowledge of remote arts development, non for profit management, and small business development, through one on one mentoring, coaching, and leadership development. More detailed text that goes into an explanation about what your aims or mission statement is, and the brief histories of the main people involved. Prior to establishing BSA Pacific, Charles Street founded the community cultural development service provider Black Square Arts in 2013, which provides Arts Administration, Management, and Training support to a number of Indigenous Arts Centres and Professional Artists in Cape York Peninsula and the Torres Strait Islands. Expanding this service to include Work for the Dole Activity Planning, Implementation and Reviewing as well as Employment Training.

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About Charles Street

Charles’ professional career expands over a twenty-year period and includes his work as both an artist and arts worker, supported by his studies at the Queensland University of Technology and postgraduate study at the Victorian College of the Arts.

BSA Pacific’s service and training philosophy has been shaped by years of experience in delivering to Indigenous people and Charles shares strong respect for Indigenous Knowledge and Knowledge Holders.

Building Skills

Charles’s extensive training experience includes both accredited and non-accredited arts skillset delivery for emerging and professional artists, to small business training, which helps position BSA Pacific as a leader in the region. Growing economic, cultural, and social capital for great inclusion and self-determination of people living in Regional and Remote areas of Queensland.

Small Business Start-Up Coaching
Sole Trader Coaching and Mentoring
Art & Community Cultural Development Leadership Development
Individual Mentoring for Remote and Regional Business Growth
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